
File Explorer pro


I am new to working with APKs and file explorer looks like APK Editor would do what I wanted (move apps to the SD card), however it doesn’t seem to be available. APK parser does not seem to have the ability, at least from a newbie perspective. And I couldn’t find any documentation anywhere on how to use it. Ea…

It was useful before i can fix ‘App not installed’ problem, to change the name of the app. But now it only shows the main code stuff, strings (“)

Unfortunately, this app is not what it used to be… Google finnaly caught up to the Developers and, well, they had to change the app. Here’s the good stuff: IF YOU WANT APK EDITOR, SEARCH ON GOOGLE: APK EDITOR APK. You’ll find it.

Seriously, what in the world did you guys do to this once perfect and wonderful app?? You’ve ruined it. I had the paid version too and you removed some of the features I paid to get? This is ridiculous. A warning couldn’t have hurt anyone and a refund is in order.
stupid where there old version of file explorer why cannot edit the apk..stupid app..and i think this update app everyone not like it and maybe next no anybody download this app..fix it back like original

The “APK Parser” it’s “APK Editor” I think the author of the app has been hacked, the last version was named as “APK Editor” and was work good, it get probably hacked or author wants to send trojan to us. Do NOT install this application, You can find in “Uptoide Store” the original old version of it

This app is absolutely HORRIBLE! It keeps crashing every time i choose a thing to edit, and it goes back a page every 3 seconds. Will delete immediately and will not get or think about again. DO NOT GET THIS APP.

This not awesome at all please sir fix this problem I’m not trying to be rude please fix and please fix the bugs or something not fix on this app please check that app and check it there fixed this problem please update it OK sir 🙂 there a problem people really hated it because it’s crashing so.. download y…

I has downloaded it to edit one of my app but after its update has come it has become the worst app . Please don’t download it it is just a waste it’s older version was better than this one . The developer of this app is a big fool please don’t download it .

I am new to working with APKs and it looks like file explorer would do what I wanted (move apps to the SD card), however it doesn’t seem to be available. APK parser does not seem to have the ability, at least from a newbie perspective. And I couldn’t find any documentation anywhere on how to use it. Easiest thing to do is remove it and move on.

OMG! Seriously! What use does this really have if you cant even edit or delete parts of the code! We mostly want this to remove ads from other apps and remove updating, things like that.

ANOTHER GREAT APK KILLED BY THE “Open Source ” masters of the O.S. 🙁 This is app is a joke. I guess Google 86ed Apk Editor Pro. It WORKed too bad the great is dead set against tools that work & root as well. I’ll just keep using the last version of Apk Editor Pro. This app is a waste. Hey dev the Play Store isn’t the only place to put your apks. Please don’t abandon Apk Editor thanks
Wth?? What happened to this app?! I was going to use it to change the look of an asset in one of my games, but the file section won’t load up. Also, the “string” section is really confusing for me. Please go back to the old version of this app, it used to be very easy to use.
Seriously, what in the world did you guys do to this once perfect and wonderful app?? You’ve ruined it. I had the paid version too and you removed some of the features I paid to get? This is ridiculous. A warning couldn’t have hurt anyone and a refund is in order.
Im working on a new project now I do understand some coding but I’m not that good and honestly this app gives alot like alot of stuff you can do to game especially the games that don’t have their files in a obb or whatever I’m glad this app is out.
Great developer, the best, i’ve been using all versions of apk editor pro for many years since day one and my app hacking skills are now immense, apk editor pro combined with all versions of apktool, awesome, blown away by your coding skills, real shame about google stopping your best versions, i’m suprised though it lasted this long and google didnt pull them years ago, lol google. Anyone wanting the proper hacking versions can easily get them, while they’re still out there, but for how long.
Last App of SteelWorks which was Known as “file explorer” was much much better than this App. I used to call APK Editor as ☣Android Studio☣ for phone but now it’s no more😭. Very Dissatisfied. Now SteelWorks only want us to buy ‘APK Editor Pro’. Even After 2k 1Star they are not giving us APK Editor back. Heads off SteelWorks for Such a Great Job😠. Hope 🎉APK Editor🎉 will return Soon.
The “APK Parser” it’s “APK Editor” I think the author of the app has been hacked, the last version was named as “APK Editor” and was work good, it get probably hacked or author wants to send trojan to us. Do NOT install this application, You can find in “Uptoide Store” the original old version of it. I have still old working version of application it works but not this.
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