
App for voice translation between two people for conversations the most practical


Recently, a lot of new people have come here in Germany, and everyone is preparing for the process of learning the German language, which is not an easy process, because the German language is a language with many rules and is characterized by some complexities that many consider complex, but in the world of the German language, it is considered to have detailed features so that you can speak and express Precisely what you want, as in the Arabic language.

But until we learn the German language, what do we do?

There are many options that we can do. For example, we can learn some sentences in the German language and use them in public places and in daily life, and this is the best way to learn, but we will not be able to understand what people say to us! Therefore, we need a translation application that we can rely on to speak everywhere we go in order to practice our normal lives.
It is recommended that we have a translation application that we use when needed, so we recommend using this voice translator application that we are explaining to you today.

What is the speaking voice translator app for voice translation?

Today’s application is a very wonderful and easy application for voice translation in addition to text translation as well. It is possible to talk to anyone in the world and understand what he wants to say to you, or for you to also understand what he wants to say, no matter how difficult or rare his language is, or even if he is speaking to someone else. specific in a language.
Indeed, for example, in the German language, there are many different dialects in Germany, but in Austria or Switzerland there are very difficult dialects that a German citizen who lives in the north cannot understand because they are very difficult, but this application can understand and translate them very easily and smoothly without any problems.

Features of the voice translator application and how to use it

The first feature is to mirror the screen into two halves so that you will be able to place the mobile phone between you and the other person for whom you are translating. That is, when you speak with the application, it writes everything you write, translates it into the other language, and pronounces it. However, in addition to the pronunciation, there is readable text, but on the contrary, that is, you will see it upside down, but the person The other sees it normally

Fast translation powered by artificial intelligence from the large company Amazon

Supports more than 120 different languages and dialects around the world, so you can translate between them with ease.

There is also a wonderful section for learning some phrases in all languages. For example, we take the German language. In this section we will see a section containing sentences and expressions that we use in daily life. As we indicated at the beginning of the article, learning some sentences in any language is very important, so this application puts it for you. This option is so that you can also learn alongside the translation process.

Link to download the application from the Google Play Store and some tips on using the application

The application needs the Internet to work, as it is an online translator and not offline, but now most people have Internet everywhere, so there will be no problem with that.

The application is only available on Google Play and is not available on the Apple Store for iPhone. For reasons we do not know, it has not been released for iPhone.

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